Melatonin zum Schlafen

Melatonin for sleep - top or flop?

By their own admission, only one in two people gets sufficient and thus restorative sleep.[¹] Not only does poor sleep or even the lack of it eliminate its benefits, it also has a negative impact on physical and mental health in the long term.[²] [³] If you are one of those who sleep more poorly than well, it may be worthwhile to take a closer look at your sleep hygiene and the physical processes behind it. A key part of this is the body's hormone melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, as it controls the day-night rhythm and other hormones that are important for your rest.

For example, melatonin controls cortisol and growth hormone secretion. Cortisol, as a stress hormone, acts catabolically and is "pushed" by melatonin. Growth hormone (HGH) has an anabolic effect and is released by melatonin. Meanwhile, more and more supplements that contain the sleep hormone melatonin are becoming popular.

We'll explain to you exactly why getting enough sleep is so important and what melatonin for sleep is all about.

Restful sleep - a cornerstone of your health

Every day, despite efficient work - thanks to your routines and automatisms - your body needs enough energy to function optimally. When it comes to staying fit and healthy, there is mostly talk of a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. The importance of good, restful sleep is often neglected. But sleep is also a cornerstone of your health. It recharges your empty energy reserves overnight so that you can successfully get through the new day. But that's not all! While you sleep, a great many processes take place in your body that keep you healthy, so you only become aware of this once you have slept too little.

Poor sleep can not only deplete your energy, reduceyour productivity, and increaseyour risk of diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, but it can also affect your body.[⁴]but also have an impact on your body weight. One study showed that people with short sleep duration tend to weigh significantly more than those who get enough sleep.[⁵] This ranked poor sleep as one of the strongest risk factors for obesity. The result can be attributed to a greater appetite caused by fluctuating hormones, which in turn lead to poor appetite regulation.[⁶] This means that in total more calories are consumed and therefore a calorie surplus is reached more quickly. Ghrelin, as the appetite-stimulating hormone, therefore has a higher level during sleep deprivation than the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin.[⁷]

Adequate good sleep, on the other hand, can maximize athletic performance. Significant improvements in speed, accuracy, reaction time and mental well-being have been shown.[⁸] It can also improve cognition, concentration, productivity and performance in general.[⁹] Between seven and eight hours of sleep per night is given as a guideline. After particularly intense stress, however, it can sometimes be up to ten hours. Adequate sleep is not only important for your immune function, but also for the repair of damaged organs.[¹⁰]but also for the repair of damaged body structures and the associated inflammatory reactions of your body. Therefore, sleep enough to finally start the day with full energy, to benefit from a better regeneration and to feel fit and efficient!

Das Schlafhormon Melatonin sorgt für guten Schlaf und damit hohe Leistungsfähigkeit.

The fact that every second person sleeps too little[¹¹] and therefore does not get enough restorative sleep, is therefore not a good rate - you can certainly imagine that by now.

Why we have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep through the night

Our world is becoming increasingly fast-paced, which is why more and also new impressions and stimuli are hitting our brain at the same time. The brain therefore has a lot to process, which can often lead to circling thoughts. But there are also some other reasons that hinder the production of melatonin, which is why it comes as a result to fall asleep and sleep through problems. These include:

Sleep hormone melatonin - the hormone with sandman[¹⁸]- and anti-jetlag effect[¹⁹]

You may have never thought about how your body transitions from the waking to the sleeping state. For most of us, this functionality is simply taken for granted from birth. Even if we have trouble sleeping, we don't fundamentally question the process behind it, but at most think about possible causes. You could learn some of them from the previous section.

To help you understand the physical process of falling asleep, you should first know that the naturally occurring sleep hormone melatonin plays a central role in this process, if not the key role in most cases. The human body can produce it independently from the amino acid tryptophan or the nerve messenger serotonin. The hormone melatonin, which controls the day-night rhythm, is produced by the pineal gland in the brain to help us fall asleep.[²⁰] As soon as the melatonin level rises, the body understands that it is time to come to rest. You have probably noticed yourself that this usually happens when darkness falls[²¹] or - if you have a regular daily routine - at a certain time of day. However, the natural production and release of hormones can be negatively influenced or even suppressed by external and internal influences. A particularly common reason is artificial light sources after dark. Responsible for this is the entry of blue light on the retina, e.g., by the smartphone or the television.[²²]

Blaues Licht vom Handy stört die Melatoninproduktion.

Melatonin for falling asleep is, in contrast to the active ingredients of sedating sleeping pills, an endogenous substance that supports your body in its natural function and does not numb it. It has not been proven to be addictive, and there is no habituation effect from long-term use.[²³] The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also classified melatonin as safe back in 2010.[²⁴] [²⁵] It serves solely as an informant for your body to relax and find sleep more easily.[²⁶] It also helps regulate body temperature, blood pressure, and levels of some hormones for sleep.[²⁷] [²⁸] [²⁹] In particular, lowering core body temperature is essential for restful sleep. In many studies, participants reported significantly better sleep quality after regularly taking melatonin for sleep.[³⁰]

The EU also confirms that melatonin serves as a natural sleep aid, as long as at least one milligram is taken before bedtime. Should you have problems with jet lag, it can help you even with that, because melatonin contributes to the relief of the subjective jet lag sensation. This positive effect is already achieved if at least 0.5 milligrams are taken shortly before going to bed on the first day of travel and on the first few days after arrival at the destination. The anti-jetlag effect[³¹] can be particularly useful for shift workers, who live in a state of "permanent jetlag": Working during the actual sleeping time throws off the body's rhythm just as much as traveling to a different time zone. The symptoms are therefore the same and can be addressed with the help of melatonin.[³²] Kill two birds with one stone: not only will you sleep well, but you'll also be able to really savor and enjoy each day!

When your natural melatonin production is suppressed, it can't do its job easily. As a result, your time to fall asleep is drawn out and you lose precious time when you could already be asleep and your body would be recovering. Melatonin ensures that the stress hormone cortisol is reduced, your metabolism shuts down and the body temperature is lowered. This combination provides your body with the ideal basis for restful sleep.[³³] That's why supplements containing the sleep hormone melatonin are especially popular with people who suffer from problems falling asleep or jet lag.

Are you also looking for a high-quality melatonin supplement in tablet form that supports your natural sleep by allowing the sleep hormone melatonin to enter the bloodstream and take effect? Then our ESN Melatonin Sleep Aid to help you fall asleep is just what you need.

Melatonin Sleep Aid hilft beim Einschlafen.

How does it actually happen that we fall asleep?

To help you understand the central role melatonin plays in the circadian cycle - i.e. the sleep-wake cycle - we will explain in detail how the release of melatonin to fall asleep takes place.

Melanopsin is a kind of light sensor located inside our eyes. This is actually used to perceive sunrise and sunset in order to regulate the rhythmic change between day and night, regardless of the time of day. Nowadays, however, most of us go to bed not so much at sunset, but simply switch on the light when, according to our subjective perception, it is not yet the right time to sleep. In this way, we suggest to the melanopsin that the process of falling asleep has not yet to be initiated. However, if you go to sleep at approximately the same time every day, your body will still automatically start producing and releasing it. However, if you expose your eyes to blue light for some time, e.g. from the TV or smartphone, this process is restricted or slowed down. It can therefore happen that you simply cannot fall asleep despite being tired, because the body lacks melatonin.

However, nature has designed it so that melanopsin senses the decrease in brightness and change in light color as the sun begins to set and, as a result, sends a signal to the suprachiasmatic nuclei with the information that it is time to sleep. There, the signal is processed and transmitted to the pineal gland, where the sleep hormone melatonin is ultimately produced and secreted. As a result, your body shuts down, you get tired and can fall asleep promptly. If it is merely suddenly dark, as in the case of switching off the artificial light source, the gradual change in light color with a decrease in the blue light component is missing for the optimal stimulation of the body's own melatonin production.

However, if you often take a long time to come down or generally fall asleep, your body may not be producing enough melatonin or it may be taking too long to release it. This is where the melatonin preparations like our ESN Melatonin Sleep Aid melatonin supplement. It releases the hormone into the bloodstream and thus has the positive effect of shortening the time it takes to fall asleep[³⁴] and reduce the feeling of jet lag.[³⁵] But note here, too, that excessive exposure to blue light can reduce or even completely suppress the effect.

You still have questions about the sleep hormone melatonin? - We have the answers!

That it seems unusual at first to supplement a hormone that is actually produced and released naturally by the body is something we can understand. But studies show that the additional intake can improve your sleep.[³⁶] So that none of your questions remain unanswered, we have summarized the most important answers for you:

Is taking melatonin dangerous?

No, taking melatonin to sleep is not dangerous. It is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body. Of course, as with all products, you should follow our recommended usage and slowly approach the dosage that is right for you.

Do you become addicted to melatonin?

No, in contrast to the active ingredients of sedative sleeping pills, melatonin is a natural substance that supports your body and does not numb it. It is neither addictive nor does it cause a habituation effect, which is why it was also classified as safe by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) back in 2010.

What are the side effects of melatonin?

If you follow our recommendations, you will not experience any side effects. However, if you take too much melatonin for insomnia, you may experience dizziness, headaches, or nausea.

Can taking melatonin affect the body's hormone production?

Several studies have shown that taking melatonin to fall asleep does not affect the body's ability to produce it on its own.[³⁷] [³⁸]

How much melatonin should I take to sleep?

It is scientifically confirmed that the positive effect on sleep occurs when 1 mg of melatonin is taken before bedtime. However, the effectiveness may vary from person to person.

How long does it take for melatonin to take effect?

It is best to take the melatonin tablet 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. Depending on light exposure and physical and mental activity, the release and effect may vary.

We care about your sleep - that's why we recommend melatonin for sleep.

Taking melatonin to sleep can be a very good support for your body. As you have read, restful sleep is essential for your body. If you already sleep really well and feel refreshed during the day, you obviously don't need our melatonin supplement. You seem to have already found a good day-night rhythm for yourself - it's best to keep it!

However, if you are one of those who are very tired and unbalanced every day, if you find it difficult to rest in the evening and are tormented by circling thoughts, then our ESN Melatonin Sleep Aid tablets can be the first step towards a better sleep. The best thing is to convince yourself of the effectiveness - for a restful sleep and an energetic day. The answer to the question "Melatonin for sleep - top or flop?" is therefore quite clear: top!

But as always, your health does not depend exclusively on the quality of your sleep. You should therefore listen to your body overall and also treat it to a balanced diet and sufficient exercise for a perfect basis.



















[18] Melatonin helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. The positive effect occurs when 1 mg of melatonin is ingested shortly before bedtime.

[19 ] Melatonin helps to alleviate the subjective sensation of jet lag. The positive effect occurs when at least 0.5 mg of melatonin is ingested shortly before bedtime on the first day of travel and on the first few days after arrival at the destination.





[24] EFSA Journal 2010;8(2):1467

[25] EFSA Journal 2011;9(6):2241






[31] Melatonin helps alleviate the subjective sensation of jet lag. The positive effect occurs when at least 0.5 mg of melatonin is ingested shortly before bed on the first day of travel and on the first few days after arrival at the destination.



[34] Melatonin helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. The positive effect occurs when 1 mg of melatonin is ingested shortly before bedtime.

[35] Melatonin helps to alleviate the subjective sensation of jet lag. The positive effect occurs when at least 0.5 mg of melatonin is ingested just before bedtime on the first day of travel and on the first few days after arrival at the destination.




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